May 16th, 2021
Need a dinner idea? Mark your calendars and support our School! Starting Tuesday (May 18th) and continuing each Tuesday until June 8th, buy a large pepperoni or cheese pizza from Dominos on Holiday Inn Drive for just $10 each and help School Council raise funds for next year!
Spread the word, tell your families! Each pizza bought donates $5 back to our school. Don’t forget that this fundraiser is valid at the Hespeler location only and the pizzas must be ordered online using the code in the flyer below (CARE).
We realize this has been an unexpected, non-traditional year that has been tough on many families. School Council wanted to offer a no-pressure fundraiser that will provide those that are willing and able the opportunity to help us raise some funds to support school initiatives next year while enjoying pizza with your family!
We thank you in advance for your continued support. See the flyer for all the details.