November 8th, 2018
It’s coming up! Our Hespeler Vendor Sale is Sunday, December 2nd from 10-3 in our school gym. Come on out and do some holiday shopping and support our local vendors. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Calling all bakers! School council is looking for bake sale donations for the Craft and Vendor Sale on Sunday, December 2. Baked good donations can be dropped off at the school on the morning of the event. Please email to let us know if you are willing to bake! A portion of the funds from the bake sale will go to support literacy initiatives at our school!
New this year: we are going to be doing a CAKE RAFFLE – we are looking for cake donations to add to our raffle! Bakers are welcome to include a business card with their donated cake.
Please remember that all baked goods must be nut free. Thank you for your support!