March 2nd, 2015
As always, our number one priority is for the safety of all of our students, both inside the school and around our school community. In an effort to ensure the continued safety of all of our students, we would like to remind you of the following:
1. Please discourage children from sliding down the snow banks, particularly snow banks that lead to a driveway or roadway, as that presents a serious safety concern for passing vehicles.
2. Please ensure you stop your vehicle only in areas that are permitted (not in bus routes, neibour driveways, etc.). Where possible, please drop off children at the catwalks on the surrounding side streets that lead to our school yard, in order to reduce vehicle traffic on Winston Blvd.
3. Where possible, please encourage ‘non-vehicle’ student transportation to and from school to reduce traffic (it’s a healthy alternative and a good part of a healthy, active lifestyle)
4. Please ensure children are crossing the street with our crossing guard.
Thanks so much for all of your efforts to keep our children as safe as possible!